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Top reasons an office printer is still your company’s need!

· xerox printers,Xerox dubai,Xerox UAE
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In this advanced century, you must be thinking that having a printer at your office is something completely outdated. So, your office might not need it, especially as most of the business in the UAE has gone paperless. And, there is nothing terrible about digitally transforming your business as it is an excellent way to store and edit your documents online.

But, going entirely paperless is something that is not as much favorable for your organization as you think it would be. So, to have optimal business efficiency, it is essential that your business must employ both online and printed materials in your company’s operations. Here we have compiled a list of reasons that justify that it is imperative to still invest in quality printing solutions such as Xerox printers. So, let us have a look over it:

1. It is cost-effective

Printer and paper can be a more cost-effective solution compared to storage solutions as hard drives and cloud technology. And, this is even more problematic for small corporations as they need a significant return on their investment. Printers come in diverse price ranges; therefore, they are incredibly affordable and also the paper used for printing purpose is cheap, easy to store and is easily accessible.

2. Sometimes you only need printed documents

Many times it happens that you need a signed document to get the job done. So, you have to go for printing that document, after which you will get it approved. For this, you need an office printer.

3. Paper is a remarkable marketing tool

Even today, when the corporate sector has all the fantastic ways to present information digitally, the importance of brochures and product reports cannot be ignored. These paper tools created by Xerox Printers are easy to pick up, take it away and to read. Therefore, serve as a useful marketing tool.

4. Reading from paper has far more retention levels

Credible research has concluded the fact that when people read from paper documents, they are more likely to retain the information they have learned compared to reading from online sources. Because when you are viewing an online document, it is a high probability that you open up another window or start searching for other irrelevant things on the internet. But, having a paper in hands mean you are fully concentrated, and more of your senses are involved.

5. Clients are not ready for digital transformation yet

Although most of the business operations are becoming online, most of our clients still prefer essential documents such as invoices, receipts and purchase orders in the printed form. They prefer paper over pixels as the tangible feeling of holding something is comforting for them. And, if your business prospects have such preferences, you cannot ignore their demand.

Key Note!

We all have been hearing a lot about digital transformation of the business in the UAE in this century. And many business owners have been thinking to sell their old printer or never purchase a new one. But reflect upon a moment! Just because you feel comfortable while creating and storing documents online does not mean that your clients are ready for this digital transformation. So, to comply with these prospects, you must go for printing solution as provided by Xerox printers